ST/SW Community Pool Update



The Metro District hopes this update finds you all well and beginning to enjoy a better 2021.

On Friday 5/14/2021 about 12:10 pm the governor held a press conference, where he stated no more masks are required and lifted almost all the restrictions the District had to follow.

So, the Metro District will be moving forward with opening the pool for the 2021 Pool Season on May 29th with NO Reservations needed.  Summer hours: 10:30 am to 8:00 pm, weather permitting.

Guests will be allowed under the normal rules of a limit of 4 guests per day and you pay guest fees. If you can limit bring guests to the pool for the first week or two it would be a appreciate.

We also ask that you comply with the 6 feet social distancing regulations while at the pool.

Thank you for everyone’s patiences, understanding, and cooperation during the difficult past year.  We look forward to seeing you at the pool.

The Metro District